Monday, December 28, 2015

Help To Identify Location | 4 Comments - Click Here :

    Darel Leedy - Don Peterson and I made the drive to Boulder Sunday evening for dinner and a slide show at John Tempelton's humble abode. We were joined by a couple of other fellow enthusiasts and were first treated to color slides of the C&Sng in my honor. Then Mike Danneman and Rich Farewell presented spectacular views of their trips to the Soldier Summit area in Utah and then British Columbia. Thanks again for hosting John!
    John then forwarded an email from Mel Patrick. Mel would like assistance identifying the location of the photo below. His original email:
Took this photo in May 1973 showing a remnant of the C&S (DSP&P) narrow gauge, about 3/4 miles west of Union Station. From my 1913 Denver street & RR map, I can not pin down such a diamond crossing. What are the tracks crossing and exactly where was this?

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas! | 1 Comments - Click Here :

    Darel Leedy - Introducing Wilson. I am sure his great grand Pappy (pictured below, first in line) would have approved of his new status as historical curator of the C&Sn3 blog. I just hope he isn't going to be too much of an ass around here. 
Wilson, Roper and I would like to wish all C&S fans a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Roundhouse Progress | 7 Comments - Click Here :

Don Pacetti sent along this progress photo of his Como roundhouse. You can view photos of C&Sn3 members modeling and layouts by clicking the links below the main title header at the top of the page. Enjoy if you visit!